Multiple dates and times, online and in person. Check the MoneySmart website for details.

Free money management programs

We’ve teamed up with Good Shepherd Australia & New Zealand (GSANZ) to launch a centralised web resource pilot providing free, relevant and timely money management programs, featured on ASIC’s MoneySmart website. 

On the website you can:

The web resource was created in response to overwhelming feedback, from both referring organisations and individual users, about the lack of a central hub with updated information on relevant financial education programs. Running until August 2021, the pilot will create greater access and ease of referrals to available financial education programs.

NB: The Managing My Money: Education Programs and Events web resource pilot was created as part of WIRE / GSANZ’s Women’s Financial Capabilities Project to centralise appropriate financial education to a diverse range of women, but there are programs included for all genders.

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