Kathleen Syme Library and Community Centre, 251 Faraday St Carlton August 7 4:00 – 6:00pm

Loneliness and Homelessness Awareness Week

Join us for popcorn, robust conversations and films on 7th of August, 4-6pm at Kathleen Syme Library and Community Centre, 251 Faraday St Carlton.

City of Melbourne Libraries is partnering with WIRE for this years Homelessness and Loneliness Awareness Week.

Find out more information about Homelessness Week here, https://homelessnessaustralia…. and here for Loneliness Awareness Week https://lonelinessawarenesswee…

This year we focus our attention on Homelessness Action Now.

For this session of Film and Feminist Chats, we are screening, A Road to Home.

Together we shed light on the barriers, myths and stereotypes people face when experiencing homelessness and the different reasons that can lead to someone experiencing homelessness, and ways we can advocate for change.

About — A Road to Home

A Road to Home follows the experiences of six homeless LGBTSBQIA+ (SB for Sistergirls and Brotherboys) young people. For 18months we are invited into the lives of the six youth witnessing how they navigate homelessness in NYC. Their lives typify the experience of the 122,494 people in Australia estimated to be experiencing homelessness in 2021, with LGBTSBQIA+ youth twice more likely to experience homelessness (https://streetsmartaustralia.o…)

Film Trailer

A Road To Home – Trailer on Vimeo

Film and Feminist Chats is an opportunity for us to come together with shared values, to chat our thoughts and views on films. We will provide beverages, tea and popcorn. Our programs are created by our community for our community to connect, share and empower.

Film length 1hr 33min, with discussion time after.

All people welcome.

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